
Dear Southern Boone School District Families,

This morning, on September 25, 2024, at approximately 10:30AM, a student at Southern Boone Middle School made a threatening statement while in class. Building administrators were immediately informed, and the Ashland Police Department was contacted to assist with the investigation. An Ashland Police Officer and a Boone County Sheriff’s Deputy were immediately dispatched to the middle school. Following their investigation, the student was taken into custody for “Making a Terrorist Threat, Third Degree.” Boone County Juvenile authorities are now responsible for handling the case.

The Ashland Police Department wants to assure everyone that there is no evidence suggesting that the actions involved in this incident were premeditated. Additionally, no weapons were found on or near the student.

Due to state and privacy laws, the Ashland Police Department and Southern Boone School District can not share additional information about the investigation.

We take incidents like these very seriously to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff. We appreciate the response and investigation by the Ashland Police Department, as well as the quick actions of our school administrators.

To help maintain the safety of our school community, we kindly ask for your assistance in addressing these types of situations:

  1. Talk to Your Child: Have open discussions with your child about the serious consequences of making or sharing threats, whether on social media or in person. Remind them that such actions can lead to significant legal and disciplinary consequences.

  2. Report Suspicious Behavior: Encourage your child to immediately report any suspicious or threatening behavior to a trusted adult at school or local law enforcement. Timely reporting can help us maintain a safe environment for all.

  3. Do Not Share Threats: If you or your child come across threatening posts, please refrain from sharing or reposting them. Instead, take a screenshot and notify school administrators or the police. Sharing such information can complicate investigations.

We also want to remind you of the ways to contact emergency services and/or tools available to submit a report:

  • For emergencies, please contact Boone County Joint Communications (BCJC) by dialing 911. For non-emergencies, dial 311.

  • Our district utilizes the Courage2Report tool for submitting safety concerns. Parents, students, and staff can access this resource through the Courage2Report website or via our district’s website at

Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff and families. We deeply appreciate your cooperation and support in ensuring the security of our school buildings.

Yours in Education,

Dr. Roth
Southern Boone School District